Sunday, November 2, 2008

USA | Alaska | Bears Axed | Feds F#&ked

The news just keeps pouring out of Alaska: Black Bear Fatally Shot Rummaging for Trash Can Treats on Halloween. It's not like the bear did not deserve it. He was a “repeat garbage offender,” according to police. On the bright side, his remains will be donated to one of the city’s soup kitchens. Those lucky Street People! I haven’t had any good bear stew in a long time. Anyhow, this reminds me of the time a bull moose charged into the middle of an Easter Egg hunt in Anchorage and had to be gunned down by State Troopers. Then they called in mental health counselors to deal with the traumatized children. As I recall, the moose carcass was also donated to charity. Being poor in Alaska has its rewards.

But now the bears are fighting back: Eagle River Bear Attacks Moose. Recently convicted in Federal court and now running for reelection, Alaska Senator and felon Ted Stevens is also fighting back. His followers are telling the Feds to go f#&k themselves: