Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Dubai | Mahdi | Shambhala

Back in 2005 during a Visit to Dubai I wrote:
According to an alleged hadith (a saying of the Prophet Mohammad not included in the Koran), one of the signs of the approaching Apocalypse is that "you will see barefoot, naked, destitute bedouin shepherds competing among themselves in constructing tall buildings." According to some commentators, the bedouins who will build the buildings will come not from the Hijaz region of the Arabian Peninsula, that is the western part which contains Mecca, Medina, etc, but from the eastern part, which includes what is now Dubai and the other Emirates. In the days of the Prophet the people of what is now Dubai may have been barefoot, naked, and destitute. They are no longer. The city is awash in money from petroleum-related trade and tourism. And as if in fulfillment of the Prophet’s prophecy Dubai is now constructing the world’s tallest building, specifically designed to outclass every other skyscaper in the world. This is the building known as the Burj Dubai, tentatively scheduled for completion in 2009. It will reportedly be 160 stories—2213 feet— high.
Well, the Burj Khalifa, as the tallest building in the world is now known, was officially opened yesterday in Dubai amidst great fanfare.

Does this mean the the Apocalypse and/or the Appearance of the Mahdi will occur soon?

According to the Prophesy in the Kalachakra Tantra the Shambhala War will occur sometime after the appearance of eight teachers: Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, The “White-Clad One,” (often identified as Mani), Muhammad, and the Mahdi. All have already appeared except the Mahdi, whose imminent arrival is Expected by President of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and many others in positions of authority.

Sources in Mongolia have been predicting for several years now that the Shambhala War will begin in 2012. Could the Mahdi possibly appear by then? Or Has the Mahdi Already Appeared?
General Hanuman on a Shambhala Thangka
According to Mongolian tradition the Last Bogd Gegeen of Mongolia will be reincarnated as General Hanuman in the army of the Raudra Chakra, the 25th King of Shambhala in the final war against the Barbarians.